Friday, December 11, 2009

Notes on Digitization

Articles and Blogs on digitization topics:

* Jill Hurst-Wahl: Digitization 101 - Jill is an expert and excellent writer on this topic. She covers all aspects of digitization, from scanning to User Interface. [js 12/11/09]
* Hurst-Wahl Blog for one of her classes - provides an excellent overview and examples of digital collections that illustrate her teaching concepts.
* D-Lib report on the OCR accuracy: bitonal vs grayscale - [js 04-27-09]
* D-Lib OCR accuracy in large-scale newpaper projects - [js 04-27-09]
* LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keeps Stuff Save) approach to preservation - [js 04-27-2009]
* Usability study using CONTENTdm (good overview of usability methods, by Margaret Dickinson as part of her MLS) - pp 22-46 are really interesting - they describe and address the navigation troubles folks have with digital collections [js 04-27-2009]
* Emerging standards for Newspapers from NDNP (Lib of Congress) [js-09-09]
* OCLC's Gateway (supercedes the Harvester) - sync records from CONTENTdm onto WorldCat [js 09-29-09]
* OCLC violates the spirit of Harvesting by making data demands on Harvestees, which defeats the whole point of harvesting..... Inquiring Librarian Blog posting Sept 23, 2009 [js-10/09]
* Jill Hurst-Wahl's excellent overview of digitization process for groups [js 10/12/09]
* Nunberg, Geoffrey. "Google's Book Search: a disaster for scholars." Chronicle of Higher Ed, August 31, 2009 [js 10/09]

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